So...I finished work as usual at some un-godly hour in the morning.....7:30am .... rushed home to bed, hoping to get some sort of sleep before having to wake up early afternoon to go out and find some sort of gift for a teenager seeing as Barbies, Toy World and fluffy toys just don't cut it anymore. I would never buy such childish gifts for people anyway being the boring old fart that I am.
In the end, I had about 3 hours of sleep before the freakin neighbour's alarm started going off and even ear plugs did not helped this time. I was ready to go out there with my axe and hack it to bits.......So, I've decided that it was no use trying to sleep and got up with my puffy eyes and headed off to the MALLS!!! *shivers* ... thank god its not school holidays but its still frightening enough in there.
In the end, I had about 3 hours of sleep before the freakin neighbour's alarm started going off and even ear plugs did not helped this time. I was ready to go out there with my axe and hack it to bits.......So, I've decided that it was no use trying to sleep and got up with my puffy eyes and headed off to the MALLS!!! *shivers* ... thank god its not school holidays but its still frightening enough in there.
As usual, I did a loop around the mall, avoiding all the mothers with their push chairs, ankle biters and screaming babies and didn't really find anything that I thought was suitable for a 15 year old ..... See.... I do put thoughts into presents! I did manage to get my money back for the pair of shoes that I've taken back to the store TWICE already and then went off looking for a new pair instead doing what I was supposed to do originally.....whoops!...
As usual, I left the mall without anything and headed off to a shop called NOOD next to my work. As some of you may be aware that I am a noodist since last year ..... I get 25 - 50% off at this store as they are having a big sale at the moment which worked out quite well because I am a thoughful cheapo present buyer. In the end, I did manage to buy a huge bag of goodies for her which suprisingly she liked very much LOL. I suppose if you go somewhere call New Objects Of Desire and buy presents, you can't go too wrong. They are desirable afterall.
We were going to go out for dinner tonight but SOMEONE .... (not mentioning names) too tired from their big day, fell as sleep and could not wake up for it so we've all decided that we should do dinner tomorrow.
So yea .... Happy birthday to you Vivienne and can't believe you are still so .......young LOL .... Trust me, when you see her, she DOES NOT LOOK 15!!! .... so all you boys out there, STAY AWAY FROM HER!! ..... We will still try our best to buy more ugly clothes, less make up, less pretty shoes, not teach you how to drive and scare all the boys away from you. Don't we sound like selfish bastards hahahahaha.....

Mind you time does go quick and I still remember the day when dad called from the hospital and I had to give directions to my aunt to drive us there to meet the new addition to the family. Would you listen to an 8 year old me LOL ..... What were they thinking?!?!? .... So hurry up and get older, you can get into misbehave more and no one will really notice or care .... (I'm never a bad influence on younge people)
Now for some photos!
Then ....
....awww look at the cute goaty and the clothes, especially the hat ...... errrr ....

more of those hot clothes and sexy hat .... us poor kids...

ok ok...I'll stop being mean attention to the couple in the background in this one ..... some tunnel-hole thing at school

...a pretend birthday. We even got the whole restaurant singing and they brought out this strange sweet crusty pastry thing with a candle on it.....HAHAHAHAHA .... you should try faking a birthday...its hilarious

Now... SuPOr Models

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