Saturday, March 29, 2008

Out with the Famdamily

Tonight I'm actually awake enough to be sociable and entertaining, so we all went out together for a nice meal. Being such a control freak that I am, I have banned a few the few restaurants that the family always go to and we WILL have to try something different. Not to mention that I made sure they didn't cut the cake until today otherwise we wouldn't have had one.

We ended up having Indian at Mantra (Go there if you fancy Indian while you are in Christchurch). They always have great food, its clean and nicely decorated although the Indian chantings through the speaker can drive you a bit loopy sometimes. Down a bit of alcohol and you won't notice anything.

I was hoping that we will get the doopy waiter that we've had in the past but he obviously was not working tonight. He provides half the entertainment for the night and we just had to find alternative sources of entertainment I guess.

The food came out about 15 minutes after we've ordered when we were told that the wait was 45 minutes ...... nothing to complaint about so were were able to pack our bellies quicker. As usual, the food was fantastic and we always ended up eating too much.

.....Us before we stuffed our hungry pie hole.....

Then the CAKE came out.... Didn't really eat much....I was WAY too full

So we left Mantra all curried and caked up and I've decided that I'd take them all out into the town HAHAHA.... I thought I might start by taking them back to my work, WHAT BAR and show them around the hotel. They've always wanted to go in and have a look at the change because dad used to be one of those horrible tax man working in that building hahaha. No, he was probably one of the nice ones.

And so we wondered around, sat down and I downed some more alcohol in me ... in front of the non drinkers .... although I did try my best to spike their drinks for them .... didn't wooooorrk ....

It was just nice to sit down, enjoy the chats, the bar and the DJ for a while and not WORK. I lasted till 11:30pm before I got bored hahaha.

So it was beddies bye bye before midnight on a Saturday night....sad I know and the bar tab seemed suprisingly small, partly because I had to behave in front of the family.....Don't want to ruin my nice well behaved image in front of them ;-) Well, too bad if they read this and I'm sure they won't often do they touch a computer?!?

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