The day has finally come for me to steal Salome and Charlie forever from the Portage. Last night we made a nice dinner at my old 'home' and pretty much just sat around and chatted with a few old friends that are ALSO moving to Christchurch in a month's time.

I woke up early this moring to the sunrise and decided to get a coffee from David (because he is the only one there that knows how to make a good one), then walked the around the resort, took time to take in the scenery and headed up Torea road to visit Torea Bay.

I also walked a bit of the Queen Charlotte Track. I was tempted to hire out a bike to do a bit of mountain biking but I figure that it's probably not a good idea seeing as I have LOTS of moving to do and also another 7 hour drive back because Salome will want to stop at every single photo stop.

The beach today was not much of a beach as it was high tide and the wind was had a slight chill in it anyway. It was nice just to walk around and enjoy the place rather than having to work at it.

I also filled up the car at the only petrol station in the Kenepuru Sounds ..NOT! .... Look at the prices!!! $1.95 for Unleaded 91 and $1.45 for Diesel.....
Now Kenny, seeing as you haven't found any spiders in while you are in NZ, I've managed to find LOTS for you. When I was walking over the sadle over to Torea Bay, there were all these white things in the prickly bushes....they looked like fluffy cotton wool stuck within some tree but if you take a closer look, you may find some nasty creppy 8 legged friend living inside them. I took a few snaps, ran away before they had the chance to jump on me.

When I got back from my few hours of self touring, I was thinking that everything should all be packed up and ready to go into the car when I arrived.....I thought wrong. After 5 years of knowing Salome, I should've known that 'HER' I'm ready to go is in fact (give me another day) and I only have 2 bags and 2 boxes is also not true. Good job we did not take Satish as well because we would've had to tie one of them up on the roof rack. The station wagon was packed to the max, leaving Charlie all squished up in the back. I also hid my CD's so well that I could not find them in the car so we all had to listen to the 6 CD's that I put in yesterday....again....
After a few clicks on the camera and a few goodbyes, we headed off to the metropolis PICTON.
Salome had to have her apple before leaving because I wasn't going to let her do her hurling and chucking business in my nice car again.
On the way to Picton, we were all wonderting why I did not hire this van instead of my nice station wagon. Perhaps next time.....
A sign for Mr and Mrs Moo Cow
"The Hills are (not so alive) .... perhaps Fräulein Maria haven't had time to sing on them and giving them the sound of music. There were lots of logging around the Marlborough Sounds area. Not very 'Green' for NZ??!?
The Interislander ferry that jouneys across the Cook Strait was just docking in Picton
We drove to Blenheim for a late lunch and then went off to search for a lotto shop in a small town, hoping to win $18 million on Saturday night and never have to work again. We ended up buying one in Kaikoura after stopping by the seal colony.
Parked across the road was another van that we wondered why we didn't hire. As jucy as it sounds, may be its because we didn't have a baby and we didn't really need a sink. (It reads 'This Jucy crib comes with everything and the kitchen sink')