Back in the big smoke, got my hi speed wireless internet back, 2 extra flatmates and my bug free home, I'm able to update my blog again.
Apparently, its Mr Big Man Buddha's birthday today. We were wondering why Cathedral Square was jam packed with people at 9am on a Saturday morning after we returned the rental car. As always, I had to drag everyone else out of the car and go check out what the excitement was all about.

When we got there, there were people dressed in all sorts of different national costumes, praying to Buddha...

Then there were masters/monks dress in their robes...praying to Buddha....

Then there were girls dressed up in traditional costumes....dacing and singing.....I think I was more interested in the food stalls rather than all the hoohaa that was going on around me. So I checked them all out. Being a buddist event, everything was vegetarian of course. However, I did find some interesting items of food on offer.

A 'VEGETARIAN' Beijing Duck Wrap?!?! I'd like to see a non-meat duck to believe it .....

3x Little Cakes for $2.00 :S ....... hmmmm explains a lot doesn't it

Stuffed buns anyone? I'll leave that to your imagination .....

There were also some games that were on offer if you are keen enough.......Anyone like to play with a Chinese Yoyo? Personally, I'd prefer a European one.....

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