I've finally arrived at Portage and so far, no one have chased me with a knife or a gun yet. Most people are happy to see me apart from the newbies who don't know me....they just had the 'who the f**k is this person and why is he wondering around the hotel' face on with them.

The 5 hour drive also turned out to be a 7.5 hour journey as I have decided that I should take time and enjoy the things along the way this time rather than just rushing to get to the place like in the past. I had no set time that I need to be at the resort and it was a nice sunny day anyway.

A couple of giant crayfishes (lobsters) ... what Kaikoura is famous for apart from whales

One of the many gorgeous bays at Kenepuru Sounds

Had a few drinks, ate an ice cream .... and now its time for bed after being awake for 30 hours @o@zzzz Crazy!
Initially I was planning to leave work early and drive up so I can have the afternoon to take a bike or a kayak out to explore the place. THAT like always .... did not happen and I ended up staying at work for 2 hours extra in the end. By the time I picked up the Subi Station Wagon rental car, had breakfast and got ready, it was 09:30am (usually I'd be asleep by that time). I have prepared myself for the 5 hour drive by popping 2 No-Doz (caffine pills) and had a couple of espresso before leaving work just to make sure I don't fall asleep on the wheel. I might've had just a wee bit too much of it thus I am still rather awake with my bloodshot eyes after 26 hours of no sleep. MAD.....

The 5 hour drive also turned out to be a 7.5 hour journey as I have decided that I should take time and enjoy the things along the way this time rather than just rushing to get to the place like in the past. I had no set time that I need to be at the resort and it was a nice sunny day anyway.
So I started off looking at a few wineries just north of Christchurch in Waipara ..... Plenty on the way

For those drivers that needs reviving......hopefully not from death!
I also took a short stroll along the water front on

Kaikoura....what a perfect day

I'd hate to think what the people staying there looks like....beach whales perhaps? eeee...

Um...because I don't want to....

Now Steve, did you get your pie from this place???

A couple of giant crayfishes (lobsters) ... what Kaikoura is famous for apart from whales

Then I drove past a salt farm on the coast.....rather interesting....the lakes had all sorts of different colours....red, blue, white.....

It was time to refill the car and I was feeling slightly peckish so I got a MEAT PIE as well! Good old travelling food.

I got my meat pie, sat by the road and enjoyed the views of Marlborough

I wonder what else this 'shed' sells with a name like that .......

They are No1. What number we are?

Time to head into the magical Marlborough Sounds..... This is at Pelorus Sounds....Pretty isn't it?

The 30km of continious 1.5 lane winding road starts

One of the many gorgeous bays at Kenepuru Sounds

FINALLY.....arrived at Portage Resort Hotel

Discovered that no one is going to kill me so.... Te Mahia was cancelled :( .... I ended up staying over at the my old house that I was living in ... Free accommodation is always good.
Watched the sunset

Had a few drinks, ate an ice cream .... and now its time for bed after being awake for 30 hours @o@zzzz Crazy!
Until tomorrow.....
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