FRIDAY 02 MAY 2008

They day has finally come for me to visit some islands. I just knew I wanted to visit some but I actually haven't made up my mind on which ones to visit. There are about 5 that you can visit I think ....
Anyway, I strolled to Jesselton Jetty to catch the boats that takes you across the water rather than using those ponsy ones from the resort because the ponsy ones charges you 3 times more. As we walked into the office at the jetty, there was a man standing there already asking us to go visit the islands LOL ..... I couldn't be bothered selecting one of the many boats that will take you there so I used him.
It was about RM$30.00 to visit 2 islands ... We've decided to visit Pulau Manukan (the biggest and busiest island) and Pulau Mamutik, which is small but has a nice beach and good for snorkling because of the corals there.
As we walked to the boat, we met up with Hello Titty .... It look like she was dead ... or may be she is just putting on a show for the tourists to take photos

The 15 minute boat ride was quite an experience. I've never had such a bumpy ride. My ass was sore by the time I got to the first island LOL

Just as we thought, Pulau Manukan was the tourist island, jam packed with tourists trying to feed the fishies under the wharf. I was one of them of course and we all played the 'lets put food between our toes so that the slimy fishes can eat off them' ... its actually funner than it sounds.

This one did not come and eat though .... I wonder why ....

After playing with the fishes for bout half an hour .... We did the whole relax on the beach, swim and relax more on the beach thing of course.

We then later took another sore ass boat ride to the next island for a week look ...

Pulau Mamutik was a lot more quieter with less people so it was quite enjoyable....Didn't get a chance to snorkle though....Perhaps next time...

The boat ride back to the city was a bit of a laugh. It was so slow that we all got drenched from the sea spay ... The boat also ran out of gas and had to change tanks half way through LOL .... It gave me time to take more tourist photos.....
Overall, it was a great day and nice end to the holiday. Sea, Sun, Sand and Tan .... can't really complaint.

Very Nice .......
Oh, I'm such an animal lover... that poor kitty was alright, wasn't she? Where on earth will she have her babies? (your site is so interesting to read!) came upon it just by chance...
I think hello titty is fine. She looked like a well fed kitty. She is just sunbathing and putting a show on for the tourists.
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