Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wedding Bells


Well, not really, there was actually no bells. Tonight was just an excuse for us to eat and drink lots because we can. Alyssa and Chico got married in January, this was just a party for the family back in Malaysia. We also used it as an excuse to escape cold New Zealand for 3 weeks so I we are not really complaining.

I can't actually remember the last time I went to an 'Asian' wedding. Unlike the ones we have in New Zealand, Asians tend to invite the whole city to their wedding and the bride and groom doesn't actually know 90% of the people attending LOL .... We've decided to keep it small and only had 70 people.....not 1000 like everyone else. It was minuscule compared to the other weddings over there.

See what I mean, the jockeys also attended. We've never ever seen them before.... (My uncle race horses).....

We had about 20 million courses ... (Its actually 8 I think) and the room was quite nicely decorated. A bit cheesy in a way.

There was even a big giant recyclable cake that they use for every wedding.

I'd be wanting a real one when I get married. It'll have to be the same size of course.

The room was decorated with roses and more roses. You are actually allowed to rip all of them out and take them home with you. Shocking behaviour, I know LOL .... I guess you might as well do it if the hotel charges you a fortune and unlike the cake, they can't recycle the flowers. So, this is what we did.

Overall, it was a great night to catch up with all the family in one place and consume *sOmE* alcohol......It wasn't excessive ;)...I had to keep up my good image while I still can in some countries.

I also came across this T-Shirt. He'd made it quite clear on what he doesn't like .... May be he loves New York and is friend with Madonna.

So there you go, a taste of an Asian weddding.

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