WEDNESDAY 30 APRIL 2008When will they learn that ham is a kind of meat and it should not be on the drinks menu LOL .... Its a 'Ham Kit' this time

After NOT ordering 'Ham' items for breakfast, we went for a drive up north of the city to see more exciting developments. We ended up at Nexus Karambunai Beach Resort .... You'd probably guess by now that I like visiting giant hotels and resorts everywhere I go LOL.

This is a pretty resort with a real beach, away from the city and full of foreigners. Its probably the nicest one in the city and that is why they charge about RM$800.00 for a standard room. Like all resorts, they have a fabulous huge lobby, coconut trees, coconut trees and more coconut trees.

There are also these hut things that you could lye there and get a massage by the beach.

The whole place just had a nice feel to it.

The next place that I visited did NOT have a nice feel to it. Of all the museums that I have visited, this was probably the worst and spookiest of all. I really felt embarrased for them LOL. I could not believe they actually charge someone to visit this place.
The museum looked about the same as I visited it 20 years ago. I was hoping that they have updated this in some way but they obviously haven't done anything to it after all these years.

Check out the rolly with a flat tyre LOL ...

Unfortunately, I was not able to take pictures inside the classy musuem. Think 1970's decor and very very very dated and fake displays of animals, dimmed lighting. To top it off, they have a room full of giant scary looking mannequins in traditional costumes that stares at you ..... spooky doll alert!!! ... I can see nightmares coming .... They also have an artificial cave with two ancient coffins with spooky music in the background. What are they trying to do? Give people nightmares? I did a 5 minute round inside the spooky musuem and went outside.
I went down the hill to look at the cultural villages that they have built. It was much nicer here but I still did not want to go into very dark, traditional houses with no one around, just in case I see something I don't want to see and poo my pants.

This village section of the museum was much nicer that the actual museum itself.
We didn't do a lot at night because it rained and and kermit visited us so we played with him around the house for a while.

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