MONDAY 21 APRIL 2008After Poring Hot Spring, walked high above the trees, watching people pooing their pants, eating a crappy lunch and seeing the biggest flower in the world, we headed off to Kinabalu National Park.
We stopped at at the highlands, Kundasang, which is known for the giant vegetables that they can grow because the climate is different there. Thinking that we haven't seen a strawberry before, all the farm women at their vegetable and fruit stall all took out the tiny little strawberries, telling us how nice they are and that we should buy them. I felt like saying to them that our strawberries in New Zealand are 10 times bigger then theirs LOL ... I just ignored and pretended to be an ignorant dumb tourist.
Every stall was the same....fruits, giant vegetables, flowers, tiny strawberries ... fruits, giant vegetables, flowers, tiny strawberries ...... you get the idea...

I wanted to buy some of the strange pineapple I saw earlier on but they didn't sell any....How disappointing ... =(

Look at this woman with her baby lol!

After refusing to buy piddly tiny little strawberries at every single fruit and vegetable stalls, we headed to Kinabalu National Park...hoping for a clear skies so we can go for a wonder and see the mountain.
The moment we drove through the park entrance, our hope turned to custard. The sky poured down with rain (and bucket loads of it) so there was not even a single chance of wondering around the park...Unless you want to be eaten by leaches..... We winded up the road to the starting point of the mountain climb. The whole park was now covered by fog so there was nothing to see apart from soaking wet people, trees, rain, fog, fog and more fog.

I knew my rain jacket would come in handy at some point of the trip and I'm glad I've brought it with me today. The day kind of reminded me of New Zealand really, foggy, rain, cool wind and trees.

Look at these poor porters that you can hire to carry the gear up for you while you race up and down the mountain. They do it a few times a day apparently.

We also visited the park museum....which was not all that exciting...the guide asked whether we wanted to go for a walk in the botanical gardens.... it was raining and it didn't look like anything special so we passed on that one too.

We were also waiting for 4 very VERY slow and loud people to come back with us. We got warned by the tour guide already to not talk to them. Because of these people ... we waited for an extra hour at the park...I was busy watching the squirrels that were running around, playing in the garbage dump ... :S I didn't touch them ...
I was also tempted to go into this 'Multipurpose Room' ... I've heard that the list of things you can do in there is endless!!

The horrible people finally turned up, soaking wet from their attempt to climb the mountain (they didn't get to the top LOL!) and yes they were noisy and annoying. I pretended I was asleep and refused to sit next to them.
We put our feet up seeing as we are not allowed to put a foot up....

One of them felt a bit sicky...don't know from what (altitude sickness, dehydration etc... don't really care at that stage after all the waiting around for them) so he sat at the front. We drove .... and stopped and he went and bought a bottle of water....we drove again and stopped and he puked on the side of the road.....and then we drove again .... and what do you know... we stopped and he puked again...He must be close to puking his inside out LOL ... Anyway...we kept driving with sour faces and slight cursing from the rest of the tour bus LOL .... and the he puked out the window while he bus was moving and then it flew all over the side of the bus and some EVEN FLEW BACK INTO THE BUS, just so that everyone can have a splash of puke on them!!!!! There was very a very big @!$@$!@$#$&@!*!&@$!@ from me and there was silence... I was ready to throw him off the side of the cliff. I got my Purell and smothered it all over my arms and legs... thank Christ I brought it along with me. Its rather handy.
The day kind of got worst as we got into the city. Some bastard have decided to steal a metal to sell from a pylon in the city so the whole tower collapsed and the whole state went into pitch black for the rest of the night. We arrived home, cleanse my whole body from puke, ate dinner under some candles and sat in darkness, played with candles and hope for the power to come back didn't happen till 11pm. Not impressed...... Apart from the exciting incidents towards the end of the day, it was actually quite a good day. It could be a lot worst I supposed.