TUESDAY 22 APRIL 2008Today, we had the cheesy photo session at the photo studio.

Told you it was cheesy....I also looked like a giant compared to the rest of the family. They MUST be really small.
I was hoping to get my teeth done ... again ... but much like last week when I visited them, they could not get it done for me ... They've promised me Friday so we'll see about that.
While we were on our way to the studio, we got stuck in the traffic ... all because of some stupid person have decided that they will drive into a giant drain .... Seeing as I am a nosey tourist, I had to stop (well, dad actually made me stop because he was being a nosey tourist too) ... Well....we saw nothing as the car was at the bottom of the drain and the person who drove into it....don't really know where he is.

The photo session was about 3 hours long (apparently this is the shortest one...they can go on for about 12 - 13 hours). We got the family photo done first thing so that I could run away and do other things to amuse myself rather than sitting there, watching the other get change into the millions of outfits they have to put on as well as putting cakes of make up on so that you don't look like yourself anymore.
I went out and had some REAL satays.....none of the overpriced crap that you get in NZ...

We went home and had another feast with all the family as usual...

The others drank their cheapy overly sweetened red wine in tumblers ... not wine glasses :O(good wine is super expensive here....stick to beer.....obviously wine glasses are expensive too LOL)

and unlike me, I ended up playing in the kitchen....washing the dishes, being a good boy....Have to keep up the good young man image you see....

The puss also came for a visit. This is a nice puss, owned by someone so its clean and fat....unlike those yucky stray ones that can give you 'Manginitis' LOL
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